

Monday, November 28, 2011


My roommate recently told me that I was weird.  She proceeded to tell me that she did not know anyone like me and couldn't even find a character on TV that I resembled (or that resembled me, whatever).  I took this as one of the best compliments I have ever received because being (what she would say) unique is not something I strive for.

I expect compliments on my pictures, outer appearance, or work performance because I consciously try to do my best in those areas.  I study, discover, and grow so I can physically and mentally present myself well in society.  But I don't try to be anything or anyone in particular.  I know this sounds so cheesy but I'm  To be complimented for being who I am is one of the greatest things anyone can feel.  I FEEL GREAT!!

Anyways, photographs from my visit to San Diego:

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