

Friday, November 4, 2011


New York City. The early 2000's.  It was such a trip man.

Young professionals not knowing what the fuck we re doing.  Drinkin, dancin.....gettin high


Did you know that shit was illegal back then? We use to smoke in the bathrooms.


In the winters we made love just to stay warm.  In the summer we made love to....well, we just made love.


The they were all about the music.  Thousands of people braved the humidity just crowd the city's parks.  Hot, sweaty people.  On top of each other.  Just for the love of music, man.  We didn't know what the fuck we were doing.

We aimlessly roamed the streets......roaming the streets all fucked up but too professional to show it.  'Where's the next bar? Oh, right there. and there. and there.  after this let's check out this new place in the West Village I heard the music was good.' Dancin, drinkin.......gettin high.  And working our asses of just to do so.  It was a foolish time back then.  We thought living in New York City it would make us masters of the universe.

But, as you already know....that didn't happen.



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