

Monday, October 24, 2011

Catching Up

October is coming to an end, so I figured that it is time to update this thing.  I haven't had much of inspiration this month.  I am still trying to figure out exactly what inspiration is.  It's not tangible nor is it consistent.  It may drench you in a downpour or ease into your mind like droplets of water.  Either way, I think inspiration is returning.

Anyways, updates:


 The following three photos are from Occupy Wall Street

My new room! No furniture yet just a bed haha


Ashley and Phylicia came to visit

The Upper East Side

The Statue of Liberty

Downtown Manhattan

Kirsten came to visit

The Hudson River looking to New Jersey

Window in the Cloisters

Joseph from CSUMB lives in NYC! We visited the Cloisters

I'm not to sure what this is called, but it looks over the Hudson River

The Cloisters

Stephanie came to visit!

My house!

Lewis Ave, my street!

My roommate Candace

Candace's favorite coffee shop

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