

Sunday, May 1, 2011


This post is about 2 weeks overdue, but I had to upload some pictures from San Francisco.  Spending time with some of my best friends was definitely needed.

The Mission District is full of murals

Duboce Park

The Mission



Nickie and Garrett in Ashbury Heights

Those blue dots were made with cigarettes

If these shoes could tell stories....

Randy in Golden Gate Park

"No cheesy pictures"

And I must end with this thought......

.......paranoia, uncontrollable laughter, laziness, hunger, deep thought, and all other things associated with Marijuana are really help us.  God made this plant so we can appreciate his creation, relax and not worry about the stresses in our life, trust Him when we get scared, enjoy good food, and think outside of our tiny boxes.  Its important not to abuse it however.  If we get TOO lazy, eat TOO much, and rely on it for everything then all of its good intentions get shot.

Just some food for thought

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