

Friday, September 16, 2011

Starving Artist, so it begins.....

Ah, New York City.  Your unrelenting energy has yet to leave me, yet your true colors are seeping through every alley and subway entrance.  You aren't making this journey the easiest.  California has spoon fed me, forgiven me of my trespasses, and sheltered me with her promise of sunshine and relaxing temperance.  Away from her comfort, I now know what life is really like.  It is not a place where I can throw my money at every desire, and it is certainly not a place where I am allowed to take a meal or a helping hand for granted.

Your dreams are only dreams if you don't pursue them.  And in this pursuit one must work HARD and suffer HARD and sacrifice HARD.  It is a fact that, yes, life is HARD.  I had no idea what a hard life was until now, and I haven't even lived it yet.  Does that make sense?

Let me break it down.  I have a part-time job.  75% of my monthly paycheck goes to rent, 10% goes to my MetroCard, and 10% goes to utilities.  What about food? And not to mention my other items like toothpaste and deodorant and random other things.  AND I will be paying $16,000 per semester!!!
What am I to do? For one, apply for food stamps.  I guess this is the staple of the starving artist.  I had never in my life thought I would have to ask for public assistance.  But it's just that: assistance.  I am not one to take advantage of the system, but goodness I just want to eat.  And it's only until I can find a second job.

BUT in the midst of this storm of worry stands a rock that I call God.  After all, He DID bring me out here.   He laid the best foundation: my current job, welcoming family that let me stay with them, and enough money to last me a little while.   Although He didn't promise that the rest of the way was going to be as easy, he DID promise that he was going to protect this starving artist (IN THE GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD!). And for that, I can't complain.

 Above and Below: Central Park

Sheep's Meadow in Central Park.  

Amanda and Laura in Times Square

Washington Square Park

I think this is called the Washington Square Mews

Chillin on a beautiful day in Central Park

Brooklyn Bridge


Park Slope, Brooklyn

Manhattan skyline


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