

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Some psychedelic pictures I took one night at 'The Tipsy Crow' in downtown San Diego. 

Friday, September 3, 2010


Stand next to your rock, your speaker of love and truth
How God speaks through her, your speaker of love and truth
Let God shine, let God pour His grace
No fear, He shines through the night
Just look up, His light guides
As you stand next to your speaker of love and truth

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jitters from God

No matter how far I think I am from God, He always finds a way to pull me back.  Last night I had a conversation with a friend, and I realized how God uses everything in our lives for His purpose.  This situation was so weird I got the jitters.  I cannot imagine how else God is working right now.  For this year that God has me in San Diego, I will accept everything (good or bad) in my life with full force.  God is going to use it somehow.